About MCCE

The Michigan Center for Civic Education (MCCE) was established in 1982 as a non-partisan 501(C)3 nonprofit corporation. MCCE was created to be a premier organization dedicated to preparing an active and informed citizenry through law-related and civic education in Michigan.

About MCCE

We are dedicated to providing youth with the knowledge and skills needed to become engaged citizens. Learning to swim cannot be done simply by reading a book; a person needs to jump into the water and to get wet. The same is true in regards to learning how to be a be a responsible, engaged citizen. Students need to have opportunities to practice the skills of citizenship and to interact with members of the community in order to understand how our government works and how they can be actively engaged in the process.

We offer an array of programs for students including Mock Trial, We the People and Project Citizen. For teachers we offer opportunities for professional development and concepts to be applied in the classroom and beyond. These include iCivics, the James Madison Legacy Project and Civitas along with access to classroom curriculum on a wide range of civics and social studies topics.